A Teeth Brushing Behavior Chart helps encourage and track regular brushing habits in children. It serves as a visual reminder and provides motivation through rewards for consistent brushing. Below is a template you can customize to fit your needs


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A Teeth Brushing Behavior Chart helps encourage and track regular brushing habits in children. It serves as a visual reminder and provides motivation through rewards for consistent brushing. Below is a template you can customize to fit your needs:

Teeth Brushing Behavior Chart

Child’s Name: [Insert Name]
Date Range: [Insert Date Range]

1. Brushing Expectations

Instructions: Define the expectations for teeth brushing. Ensure these are clear and age-appropriate.



Morning Brushing

Brush teeth for 2 minutes every morning.

Evening Brushing

Brush teeth for 2 minutes every evening.

Proper Technique

Use the correct brushing technique (e.g., circular motions).

Use Toothpaste

Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.

Rinse and Spit

Rinse mouth and spit out toothpaste properly.

2. Behavior Tracking

Instructions: Track the completion of each brushing task daily. Use stickers, checkmarks, or symbols to indicate when each task is completed.


Morning Brushing

Evening Brushing

Proper Technique

Use Toothpaste

Rinse and Spit



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[Brief comments or observations]


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[Brief comments or observations]


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[Brief comments or observations]

3. Rewards and Incentives

Instructions: Define rewards for consistent completion of brushing tasks. Adjust rewards to fit what motivates the child.

Daily Rewards

  • Verbal Praise: Acknowledge effort with positive reinforcement.
  • Stickers: Earn a sticker for each day of consistent brushing.

Weekly Rewards

  • Extra Screen Time: Allow additional screen time or a favorite activity.
  • Special Treat: Offer a small treat or fun activity.

Monthly Rewards

  • Certificate: Award a certificate for completing the month with consistent brushing.
  • Prize: Give a small prize, such as a toy or book.

Rewards Tracking


Total Positive Days

Rewards Earned


Week 1


[List rewards earned]

[Summary of achievements and areas for improvement]

Week 2


[List rewards earned]

[Summary of achievements and areas for improvement]

4. Goals and Improvement Plan

Instructions: Set specific goals for improving brushing habits and create a plan to achieve these goals.


  • Morning Brushing: [Specific goal or improvement needed]
  • Evening Brushing: [Specific goal or improvement needed]
  • Proper Technique: [Specific goal or improvement needed]
  • Use Toothpaste: [Specific goal or improvement needed]
  • Rinse and Spit: [Specific goal or improvement needed]

Improvement Plan

  • Strategies: [Specific strategies or techniques to encourage better brushing habits]
  • Support Needed: [Any additional support or resources required]
  • Review Date: [Date for reviewing progress]

5. Notes and Observations

Instructions: Use this section to record any additional observations or comments about the child’s brushing habits.




[Description of any observations or issues]


[Description of any observations or issues]


[Description of any observations or issues]

Notes for Customization:

  • Expectations: Tailor the brushing expectations to fit the child’s age and dental care recommendations.
  • Tracking: Modify the tracking format based on how frequently you wish to review the behavior (daily, weekly, etc.).
  • Rewards: Adjust rewards to what is most motivating for the child and aligns with your family or classroom rules.
  • Goals and Improvement Plan: Customize goals and plans to address specific needs or areas where improvement is needed.