A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a financial evaluation tool used to compare the costs and benefits associated with a particular project or decision. It helps organizations assess whether the benefits of a project or decision outweigh the costs and assists in making informed decisions


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A Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a financial evaluation tool used to compare the costs and benefits associated with a particular project or decision. It helps organizations assess whether the benefits of a project or decision outweigh the costs and assists in making informed decisions.

Here’s a comprehensive template for a Cost-Benefit Analysis:

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Template

Date: [Insert Date]
Prepared by: [Insert Name/Position]
Project/Initiative: [Insert Project/Initiative Name]

1. Executive Summary

[Briefly describe the objective of the analysis, e.g., "To evaluate the financial feasibility of implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system."]

Summary of Findings:
[Provide a high-level summary of the key findings, e.g., "The analysis indicates that the benefits of the CRM system outweigh the costs by a ratio of 2:1 over a five-year period."]

2. Project Description

Project/Initiative Overview:
[Describe the project or initiative, including its goals, scope, and expected outcomes, e.g., "Implementing a new CRM system to improve customer service and increase sales efficiency."]

[Provide an estimated timeline for project implementation and key milestones.]

3. Cost Analysis

3.1 Initial Costs

Cost Category




Software Purchase

Cost of CRM software license


[e.g., One-time purchase cost.]


Cost of additional hardware


[e.g., Servers, computers.]

Consulting Fees

Cost of external consultants


[e.g., Implementation and training fees.]


Cost of staff training


[e.g., Training programs and materials.]

Other Initial Costs

[Specify Other Costs]


[e.g., Initial setup expenses.]

3.2 Ongoing Costs

Cost Category


Annual Amount



Ongoing software maintenance


[e.g., Annual support and updates.]

Subscription Fees

Ongoing subscription costs


[e.g., Annual subscription.]

Staff Costs

Cost of additional staff


[e.g., Staff time dedicated to CRM.]


Cost of additional utilities


[e.g., Increased energy usage.]

Other Ongoing Costs

[Specify Other Costs]


[e.g., Ongoing operational expenses.]

3.3 Total Costs




Total Initial Costs


[Sum of all initial costs.]

Total Annual Ongoing Costs


[Sum of all annual ongoing costs.]

Total Five-Year Costs


[Total initial + (Annual ongoing costs * 5 years).]

4. Benefit Analysis

4.1 Quantifiable Benefits

Benefit Category


Annual Benefit


Increased Sales

Additional revenue from CRM


[e.g., Increased sales due to better data.]

Cost Savings

Savings from improved efficiency


[e.g., Reduced operational costs.]

Customer Retention

Value of improved customer retention


[e.g., Increased customer loyalty.]

Other Quantifiable Benefits

[Specify Other Benefits]


[e.g., Reduced error rates.]

4.2 Qualitative Benefits

Benefit Category



Improved Customer Service

Enhanced customer experience

[e.g., Better response times.]

Enhanced Data Analysis

Improved decision-making

[e.g., Better insights from data.]

Employee Satisfaction

Increased job satisfaction

[e.g., Improved work tools.]

Other Qualitative Benefits

[Specify Other Benefits]

[e.g., Better company reputation.]

4.3 Total Benefits


Annual Amount


Total Quantifiable Benefits


[Sum of all quantifiable benefits.]

Total Qualitative Benefits

[Not Quantified]

[Summary of qualitative benefits.]

5. Cost-Benefit Ratio

5.1 Calculations



Total Costs (5 years)


Total Benefits (5 years)


Net Benefit

$[Total Benefits - Total Costs]

Cost-Benefit Ratio

[Total Benefits / Total Costs]

5.2 Interpretation

  • Cost-Benefit Ratio: [e.g., "A ratio of 2:1 indicates that for every dollar spent, there is a return of two dollars in benefits."]

6. Recommendations

Based on the analysis, provide recommendations.

  • Recommendation 1: [e.g., "Proceed with the CRM implementation as the benefits outweigh the costs."]
  • Recommendation 2: [e.g., "Consider negotiating for lower subscription fees to improve the cost-benefit ratio."]

7. Conclusion

Summarize the findings and provide a final decision or course of action.

  • Conclusion: [e.g., "The cost-benefit analysis shows that implementing the CRM system will provide significant benefits, both quantifiable and qualitative, justifying the investment."]


Prepared by:
Signature: ___________________________
Name: [Insert Name]
Position: [Insert Position]
Date: [Insert Date]

Reviewed by:
Signature: ___________________________
Name: [Insert Name]
Position: [Insert Position]
Date: [Insert Date]

This template provides a structured approach to conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis. Customize it according to the specifics of your project or initiative and consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure comprehensive and accurate analysis.