A Staff Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a systematic approach to identifying the gaps between current staff skills and the skills required to achieve organizational goals. It ensures that training programs are targeted and effective, leading to improved performance and productivity. Here’s a comprehensive guide to conducting a Staff Training Needs Analysis, including a template.


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A Staff Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a systematic approach to identifying the gaps between current staff skills and the skills required to achieve organizational goals. It ensures that training programs are targeted and effective, leading to improved performance and productivity. Here’s a comprehensive guide to conducting a Staff Training Needs Analysis, including a template.

Steps to Conduct a Staff Training Needs Analysis

1. Define Objectives

  • Purpose: Clarify why the TNA is being conducted (e.g., improving performance, supporting new processes, or enhancing employee skills).
  • Scope: Determine which departments, teams, or roles will be included in the analysis.

2. Identify Key Competencies and Skills

  • Competency Framework: Define the skills, knowledge, and behaviors required for effective job performance. This may include technical skills, soft skills, and job-specific competencies.

3. Gather Data

  • Surveys/Questionnaires: Distribute to staff and managers to gather feedback on perceived training needs and skills gaps.
  • Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews with employees and managers to gain deeper insights into training needs.
  • Performance Reviews: Review performance evaluations to identify areas where staff are underperforming.
  • Job Analysis: Analyze job descriptions and requirements to determine necessary skills and competencies.
  • Observations: Observe staff performance and identify areas for improvement.

4. Analyze the Data

  • Gap Analysis: Compare current skills and competencies with the desired skills and competencies. Identify and prioritize the gaps.
  • Prioritize Needs: Determine which training needs are most critical to address first based on their impact on performance and organizational goals.

5. Develop a Training Plan

  • Training Objectives: Clearly define what the training should accomplish.
  • Training Methods: Decide on the appropriate methods for training delivery (e.g., workshops, online courses, on-the-job training).
  • Resources: Identify resources required (e.g., trainers, materials, technology).
  • Timeline: Establish a timeline for implementing the training and evaluating its effectiveness.

6. Implement and Monitor

  • Execution: Deliver the training program according to the plan.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from participants to assess the effectiveness of the training.
  • Evaluation: Monitor and evaluate the impact of the training on performance and make adjustments as necessary.

Staff Training Needs Analysis Template

1. Overview




Purpose of the training needs analysis.


Specific department or team being analyzed.


Date of the analysis.

Prepared By

Name of the person or team preparing the analysis.

2. Key Competencies and Skills



Technical Skills

Specific technical abilities required for the job.


Skills related to effective communication.


Abilities related to leading and managing teams.

Customer Service

Skills in handling customer interactions and support.


Abilities to address and solve work-related problems.

3. Data Collection





Collect feedback on training needs from staff and managers.

List of perceived training needs.


Conduct interviews with staff and managers.

Detailed feedback and observations.

Performance Reviews

Review performance evaluations for skill gaps.

Identified performance gaps.

Job Analysis

Analyze job descriptions and requirements.

Necessary skills and competencies.


Observe staff performance.

Areas needing improvement.

4. Gap Analysis


Current Skill Level

Desired Skill Level

Gap Identified

Technical Skills



Needs advanced training.




Needs improvement in presentation skills.




Needs leadership training.

Customer Service



Needs better handling of complex customer queries.




No significant gap.

5. Training Plan

Training Objective

Training Method

Resources Needed


Evaluation Metrics

Improve technical skills

Workshops, Online Courses

Trainers, Learning Platforms

3 months

Participant feedback, Skill assessments

Enhance communication skills

Seminars, Role-playing

Trainers, Materials

2 months

Assessment scores, Feedback

Develop leadership skills

Coaching, Workshops

Leadership Experts

6 months

Performance metrics, Feedback

Advance customer service skills

On-the-Job Training, Webinars

Customer Service Trainers

2 months

Customer satisfaction surveys, Feedback

Improve problem-solving abilities

Problem-solving Exercises, Workshops

Trainers, Case Studies

3 months

Problem-solving assessments, Feedback

6. Implementation & Monitoring



Responsible Person/Team

Completion Date

Training Delivery

Execute the training programs.

Training Coordinator


Feedback Collection

Collect feedback from participants.

HR Department



Assess the training’s impact and effectiveness.

Training Coordinator


Tips for Effective Staff Training Needs Analysis

  1. Engage Stakeholders: Involve employees and managers in the analysis to get accurate and comprehensive feedback.
  2. Be Specific: Clearly define the competencies and skills needed for each role to ensure targeted training.
  3. Use Multiple Data Sources: Combine surveys, interviews, performance reviews, and observations for a well-rounded analysis.
  4. Prioritize Training Needs: Focus on the most critical gaps that will have the greatest impact on performance and organizational goals.
  5. Evaluate and Adjust: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of training programs and make adjustments based on feedback and performance outcomes.