A Spousal Support Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which one spouse will provide financial support to the other following a separation or divorce. This agreement helps clarify the amount, duration, and conditions of spousal support, ensuring both parties have a clear understanding of their obligations and entitlements.


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A Spousal Support Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which one spouse will provide financial support to the other following a separation or divorce. This agreement helps clarify the amount, duration, and conditions of spousal support, ensuring both parties have a clear understanding of their obligations and entitlements.

Below is a sample Spousal Support Agreement template. It’s important to tailor the agreement to your specific situation and consult with a family law attorney to ensure it is legally binding and fair.

Spousal Support Agreement

This Spousal Support Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between:

Spouse 1: [Full Name], residing at [Address]
Spouse 2: [Full Name], residing at [Address]


  1. Marriage: The parties were married on [Date of Marriage] in [City, State].
  2. Separation/Divorce: The parties have separated/divorced and wish to settle the issue of spousal support amicably.
  3. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which Spouse 1 will provide spousal support to Spouse 2.

1. Amount and Duration of Spousal Support

1.1 Amount of Spousal Support

  • Spouse 1 shall pay spousal support to Spouse 2 in the amount of [Specify Amount] per [month/year].

1.2 Duration of Spousal Support

  • The spousal support payments will continue for a period of [Specify Duration], beginning on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The duration may be adjusted based on [Specify Conditions, e.g., significant change in circumstances].

1.3 Method of Payment

  • Payments shall be made [Specify Frequency, e.g., monthly] via [Specify Method of Payment, e.g., bank transfer, check].

2. Modification of Spousal Support

2.1 Conditions for Modification

  • The amount or duration of spousal support may be modified upon the occurrence of the following events:
    • Change in Income: [Specify conditions, e.g., "Significant increase or decrease in the income of either party."]
    • Remarriage: [Specify conditions, e.g., "Remarriage of Spouse 2 may result in a modification or termination of support."]
    • Other: [Detail any other conditions that may warrant modification.]

3. Termination of Spousal Support

3.1 Termination Events

  • Spousal support obligations will terminate upon the occurrence of the following events:
    • Remarriage: [Specify conditions, e.g., "The remarriage of Spouse 2."]
    • Cohabitation: [Specify conditions, e.g., "Cohabitation of Spouse 2 with a new partner."]
    • Death: [Specify conditions, e.g., "The death of either Spouse 1 or Spouse 2."]

4. Health Insurance

4.1 Health Insurance Coverage

  • Spouse 1 shall continue to provide health insurance coverage for Spouse 2 until [Specify End Date] or until Spouse 2 obtains coverage through their own employment or another source.

5. Dispute Resolution

5.1 Mediation

  • In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement, the parties agree to seek mediation before pursuing other legal remedies.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 Full Disclosure

  • Both parties acknowledge that they have made a full and fair disclosure of their financial circumstances and other relevant information.

6.2 Legal Advice

  • Both parties acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice before signing this Agreement.

6.3 Entire Agreement

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding spousal support and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

7. Signatures

By signing below, both parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Spousal Support Agreement.

Spouse 1:
Signature: ___________________________
Printed Name: ________________________
Date: _______________________________

Spouse 2:
Signature: ___________________________
Printed Name: ________________________
Date: _______________________________


[If required, have the Agreement notarized to add an extra layer of legal authenticity.]

This template provides a general framework for a Spousal Support Agreement. Ensure that you customize it to fit your specific circumstances and seek legal advice to ensure it meets all legal requirements and is fair to both parties.