A Shared Parenting Agreement is a legal document that outlines how parents will share the responsibilities and decision-making for their children after separation or divorce. This agreement is crucial for ensuring that both parents are clear on their roles and responsibilities and helps in creating a stable environment for the children


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A Shared Parenting Agreement is a legal document that outlines how parents will share the responsibilities and decision-making for their children after separation or divorce. This agreement is crucial for ensuring that both parents are clear on their roles and responsibilities and helps in creating a stable environment for the children.

Here’s a sample Shared Parenting Agreement template. Be sure to adapt it to fit your specific circumstances and consult with a family law attorney to ensure it meets legal requirements and is in the best interest of your children.

Shared Parenting Agreement

This Shared Parenting Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between:

Parent 1: [Full Name], residing at [Address]
Parent 2: [Full Name], residing at [Address]


  1. Children: The parties are the parents of the following minor child(ren):
    • Child 1: [Full Name], Date of Birth: [DOB]
    • Child 2: [Full Name], Date of Birth: [DOB] (Include additional children as necessary)
  2. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which the parties will share parenting responsibilities and decision-making for their child(ren).

1. Custody Arrangement

1.1 Physical Custody

  • The child(ren) will reside with each parent according to the following schedule:
    • Weekdays: [Specify which parent has custody on weekdays, e.g., "The child(ren) will reside with Parent 1 from Monday to Wednesday."]
    • Weekends: [Specify which parent has custody on weekends, e.g., "The child(ren) will reside with Parent 2 from Friday evening to Sunday evening."]

1.2 Holiday Schedule

  • The holiday schedule will be as follows:
    • Holidays: [Detail holiday arrangements, e.g., "The child(ren) will spend Thanksgiving with Parent 1 and Christmas with Parent 2."]

1.3 Vacation Time

  • Each parent is entitled to [Specify Duration] of vacation time with the child(ren) each year, to be scheduled in advance and agreed upon by both parents.

2. Legal Custody and Decision-Making

2.1 Joint Legal Custody

  • Both parents will have joint legal custody, meaning they will share the decision-making responsibilities for the child(ren) in the following areas:
    • Education: [Detail how educational decisions will be made, e.g., "Both parents will be involved in decisions regarding the child(ren)'s schooling and extracurricular activities."]
    • Health Care: [Detail how health care decisions will be made, e.g., "Both parents will make decisions regarding the child(ren)'s medical care and routine health check-ups."]
    • Religion: [Detail religious upbringing, if applicable, e.g., "The child(ren) will participate in religious activities agreed upon by both parents."]

3. Communication

3.1 Communication Between Parents

  • The parents agree to communicate respectfully and promptly about matters related to the child(ren) and to inform each other of any significant events or changes in circumstances.

3.2 Communication With the Child(ren)

  • The child(ren) shall have the right to communicate with the non-custodial parent through [Specify Means, e.g., phone calls, video chats] on a regular basis.

4. Child Support

4.1 Child Support Payments

  • Parent 1 shall pay child support to Parent 2 in the amount of [Specify Amount] per [month], beginning on [Start Date]. This amount may be adjusted based on [Specify Conditions, e.g., changes in income, changes in custody arrangements].

4.2 Expenses

  • The parties agree to share additional expenses for the child(ren) as follows:
    • Medical Expenses: [Detail how medical expenses not covered by insurance will be divided, e.g., "50% each."]
    • Extracurricular Activities: [Detail how costs for extracurricular activities will be handled, e.g., "The cost of extracurricular activities will be shared equally."]

5. Dispute Resolution

5.1 Mediation

  • In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement, the parties agree to seek mediation before pursuing other legal remedies.

6. Modifications

6.1 Changes

  • This Agreement may be modified by mutual written consent of both parties or by a court order if necessary. All modifications must be documented and signed by both parties.

7. Miscellaneous

7.1 Full Disclosure

  • Both parents acknowledge that they have made a full and fair disclosure of their financial circumstances and any other relevant information.

7.2 Legal Advice

  • Both parents acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to seek independent legal advice before signing this Agreement.

8. Signatures

By signing below, both parties acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Shared Parenting Agreement.

Parent 1:
Signature: ___________________________
Printed Name: ________________________
Date: _______________________________

Parent 2:
Signature: ___________________________
Printed Name: ________________________
Date: _______________________________


[If required, have the Agreement notarized to add an extra layer of legal authenticity.]

This template provides a framework for creating a Shared Parenting Agreement. Customize it to suit your family’s specific needs and circumstances. Consulting with a family law attorney is highly recommended to ensure the agreement is comprehensive and legally enforceable.